How can I request a refund?

Holmes Institute asses request for refunds in accordance with our published refund policies

Each student who applies for a course and receives an offer letter from Holmes Institute is required to acknowledge they have read an understood the refund policy as noted on their offer letter. From time to time a student may wish to apply for a refund.

Steps for requesting a refund

If you would like to request a refund:

  1. Please read the refund policy to understand on what basis you may apply for a refund.
  2. Using your Holmes webmail account – write to our refunds department and explain under what circumstances you are seeking a refund, the more specific information you can provide the better.
  3. Once the refund team receives your request, they will send you a confirmation email acknowledging your request has been received, this email will also request your account details so an expedient refund payment can be made should your request meet the refund policy criteria. The confirmation email will also confirm any additional information which may be needed from you, and the timeframe for an outcome of your request to be assessed and the outcome be communicated to you.