How do I apply for a reduced study load?

Students need to submit the completed Application Form of Reducing Study Load that explains the reasons for seeking approval for a reduced study load.

In certain circumstances, students may be considered for a reduced study load, i.e. to enrol in no less than three (3) units per trimester. Students requesting a reduced study load need to remember that this may entail that a unit they wish to study in the future may not be available, and that they may need to extend their course duration and hence student visa as a result, where applicable.

How to Apply for Reduced Study Load

In order to be considered for a reduced study load, students need to first enrol in the regular/standard study load of four (4) units via the LUNA student portal. Once all units have been selected, students may then apply for a reduced study load. This approach ensures that students secure a place in the units to be studied and are not disadvantaged by missing out on units should the request be rejected.

Reducing Study Load Application Form

In applying for a reduced study load, students need to submit the completed Application Form of Reducing Study Load that explains the reasons for seeking approval for a reduced study load. Please note that these reasons must demonstrate why students are unable to complete the regular/standard study load for the respective trimester. To support their request, students should attach the completed Form any documents (such as medical records as one example,), that support their application. Where applicable, academic issues, i.e. unsatisfactory academic performance or progress, should be noted in the application.

The Form can be accessed on your Blackboard.

Medical Reasons for Reducing Study Load

If the reasons for requesting a reduced load are based on medical grounds, a doctor/specialist must outline a formal treatment plan to assist with the student’s recovery as well as the number of classroom hours the student would be able to participate in on a weekly basis. Should the medical matter be considered severe and prevent the student from studying the regular trimester, the request may not be approved and the student may be directed to apply to suspend/defer their degree course whilst undertaking treatment. Any of the above mentioned supporting documents need to be attached to the Application Form as PDF or JPEG files; embedded images cannot be accepted for consideration.

Applications must be submitted prior to Census Date

Requests for a reduced study load must be finalised prior to the Census Date of the respective trimester. Once the completed request for a reduced study load has been received, we endeavour to advise the student of the outcome of the request within 10 days of receipt of the request. Should the request be approved, we will advise the student on the process to withdraw from the units they do not wish to pursue.